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life and study中文是什么意思

用"life and study"造句"life and study"怎么读"life and study" in a sentence


  • 生活学习
  • "life"中文翻译    n. (pl. lives) 1.生命,性命。 2.一生 ...
  • "study"中文翻译    n. 1.用功,勤学;〔常 pl. 〕学习;研究 (of ...
  • "life appraisal study" 中文翻译 :    寿命鉴定
  • "life study sample" 中文翻译 :    生命研究样本
  • "pavement life study" 中文翻译 :    路面使用寿命研究
  • "of study" 中文翻译 :    论读书
  • "study" 中文翻译 :    n. 1.用功,勤学;〔常 pl. 〕学习;研究 (of); 研究对象;研究项目;值得研究的问题;学问,学业,学科;专题论文;调查。 2.书房,书斋;研究室;(个人)工作室。 3.〔古语〕沉思默想。 4.试作;【美术】习作;【音乐】练习曲。 5.【戏剧】背台词;读台词,背台词的演员。 His face was a perfect study. 他的面孔真有意思。 To write correctly is my study. 我的努力目标是写得正确。 a quick [slow] study 台词记得快[慢]的演员。 quit studies 罢课。 in a brown study 呆想,默想,深思。 make a study of 研究。 vt. (studied) 1. 学习;研究;记诵(台词等),练习。 2. 用心,考虑,图谋;注意看,仔细端详。 vi. 用功,学习,练习;研究;努力,留心;默想。 study sb.'s face 仔细端详某人面貌。 study one's own interests 图谋自己利益。 study to avoid disagreeable topics 努力避免不愉快的话题。 study to wrong no man 留心不误伤别人。 study for the bar 为了预备做律师而学习。 study one's part 【戏剧】记诵自己的台词。 study out 想出;解(谜等)。 study to be wise 努力学聪明。 study up 用功预备(考试等)。 study up on 〔口语〕认真研究,调查,考查。
  • "study for" 中文翻译 :    为...而学习
  • "study of the" 中文翻译 :    课程的研究,117
  • "study-in" 中文翻译 :    n. 〔美国〕听课抗议[示威]。
  • "the study of" 中文翻译 :    对……研究; 说文解字研究
  • "to study" 中文翻译 :    学习
  • "a life" 中文翻译 :    一条人命
  • "and life" 中文翻译 :    十八年的生活; 十八岁和人生
  • "but not life" 中文翻译 :    但是不能买回生命
  • "for life" 中文翻译 :    终身
  • "in life" 中文翻译 :    达到某人的生活目标; 活着的时候; 一生中, 世间
  • "in this life" 中文翻译 :    在这生命中
  • "life" 中文翻译 :    n. (pl. lives) 1.生命,性命。 2.一生;寿命;【原子能】(亚原子粒子的)生命期;使用期限,耐久性。 3.人生,人事世间,尘世。 4.生计,生活。 5.传记。 6.〔集合词〕生物。 7. 实物;原物(大小)。 8.生命力精神,生气;弹性;精华,主要力量。 9.被保险者。 10.无期徒刑。 Many lives were lost. 死了不少人。 sacrifice [give, lay down] one's life for the country 为国牺牲。 There is no life on the moon. 月球上没有生命。 the average life of a nation 一国人口的平均寿命。 the life of an artificial satellite 人造卫星的寿命。 the life of the present Government 现内阁的寿命。 While there is life there is hope. 〔谚语〕一息尚存,希望不灭;留得青山在,不怕没柴烧。 a life of struggle 战斗的一生。 a matter of life and death 生死攸关的事情。 devote one's whole life to the study of science 一辈子献身于研究科学。 high [low] life 上层[下层]生活。 lead [live] a happy life 过幸福生活。 political life 政治生涯。 struggle for life 生存竞争。 way of life 生活方式。 begin life as a worker 工人出身。 enter upon life 踏进社会。 get on in life 立身处世。 see much of life 见过不少世面。 see nothing of life 没见过世面。 The L- of Plato 《柏拉图传》。 animal life 动物。 bird life 鸟类。 forest life 林中生物。 insect life 昆虫。 plant life 植物。 a life class 人体写生课。 a still life 静物画。 as large as life 像实物那样大。 The portrait is drawn from (the) life. 这幅像是写生的。 The portrait is drawn to the life. 这幅像画得惟妙惟肖。 full of life 生气勃勃。 add [give] life to an article 增加文章的生气。 the life of the society 社会的中心人物。 The batsman was given a life. 击球员获得新机会。 a bad life 估计活不到平均寿命的人。 a good life 估计会超过平均寿命的人。 my dear life 我的命根子。 If found guilty, he will get life. 如果证实有罪,他将被判处无期徒刑。 the life of a bow 弓的弹力。 a future life 【宗教】来生。 all one's life 一辈子,毕生,终生。 anything for a life 只要能安宁,什么都行。 as much as one's life is worth 〔口语〕性命攸关。 attempt the life of sb. 企图弄死某人。 be settled in life 生活得到安顿。 Bless my life = Bless me. bother [harass, nag, plague, worry] the life out of sb. 跟某人纠缠不休。 breathe [infuse] (a) new life into = give new life to 给予生气,赋予生机。 bring to life 使苏醒,使复活。 carry [take] one's life in one's hands 手里提着脑袋过日子,过冒险生活。 choke the life out of sb. 把某人闷死。 come to life 苏醒过来。 depart (from) this life 离开人间,逝世。 escape with bare life 仅以身免,死里逃生。 escape with life and limb 仅以身免,死里逃生。 eternal life 【宗教】永生。 expectation of life ( = 〔美国〕 life expectancy) 估计寿命。 fight for dear life 死拼,作殊死战。 flee [run] for dear [one's] life 拼命跑走。 for life 1. 终身。 2. 为逃[保]命。 for one's life = for dear [very] life 1. 为逃[保]命。 2. 拼命。 for the life of me 即使要我的命,无论如何(也不…等)。 from (the) life 从原物,用原物做范本。 get a chance in life 得到出头[发迹]的机会。 have[get]a life过着[过上]正常的和丰富多彩的生活。 have the time of one's life 〔俚语〕过着一生中最快乐的时期。 How's life 〔口语〕你近来生活好么? I'll bet my life 我敢打赌。 in life 1. 生前,活着的时候 (late in life 在晚年)。 2. 完全,全然 (anything in life (无论)什么都。 nothing in life 绝没有,毫不)。 insure one's life 保人寿险。 lay down one's life 抛弃生命,牺牲生命。 lead a fast life 过放荡的生活。 lead sb. a dog's life 使某人过悲惨的生活。 lead [live] a double life 过双重人格的生活,搞两面派。 life for life 以命偿命。 lose one's life 死。 make one's own life 自己谋生。 not on your life 〔口语〕绝不,绝不可能。 on my life = upon my life. pawn one's life 以生命保证。 raise [recall] to life 使苏醒,使复活。 ride for dear life 拼命奔驰。 safe in life and limb 安全无恙。 see life 1. 交游广。 2. 见世面。 seek the life of = attempt the life of. sell one's life dearly 奋勇杀敌,负伤阵亡。 small life (肖像)比真人略小的尺寸。 take [get] a new [fresh] lease of life 死里逃生。 take one's (own) life 自杀。 take one's life in both hands and eat it 过惊涛骇浪的冒险生活。 take sb.'s life 干掉某人。 the life of Riley 〔美俚〕放纵的生活。 the life of the party 社交场合中的中心人物。 the life of the world to come = the other [future] life 来世。 this life 现世。 to the life 大小和实物一样,逼真。 true to life 逼真,栩栩如生。 upon ['pon] my life 拼着这条命,誓必。 adj. -like 逼真的,栩栩如生的。
  • "life was" 中文翻译 :    生活是…
  • "life will" 中文翻译 :    意志人生
  • "of life" 中文翻译 :    生命的价值
  • "of this life" 中文翻译 :    我们都被人生的某些征服; 我们都赶上了这趟人生之旅; 在这个生命里
  • "on life" 中文翻译 :    生命之上
  • "s life" 中文翻译 :    狗命关天


  • Love life and study . hope to find honest man who give me happiness and together live
  • 1 lives and study are greatly influenced by the development of the modern science and technology
  • E - mail plays more and more important role in our daily life and studying , it is convenient and easy to use
  • I thought that both my life and study in high school would be easier , it came out to be so stressful as a first year student
  • Such conflicts have negative impacts not only on college students ' life and study but also on their bodies and minds
  • Get on well with each other in life and study ; help and learn from each other . don ' t play or make hustle and bustle within the classroom in the spare time
  • In order to help new students adapt to life and study in hong kong , a series of orientation programmes and activities will be tailored for them after their arrival in hong kong
  • With the coming of the 21st century , the modern information technology characterized by multimedia and internet has a great effect on our life and study . school education will have a historic innovation , which will drive the education model from the printing era to the information era
  • The stage of college and university is a golden stage for students to study knowledge and associate with other persons . but , from my contraction with students , i have found many students fear commuication , they feel ashamed when they associate with other or when they meet stranger , and they ofen keep silence aside even through they take part in social party , they are shy to speak their difficulties out to anybody if they have some trouble with their life and study … … this phenomenon is called social anxiety
    大学时期是学习知识、结交朋友的黄金时期。然而从我与大学生的接触中发现不少大学生害怕交往,遇人未语先面红耳赤;即使参加社交活动,也多躲在一旁缄口不语;生活学习中遇到难题,常常羞于启齿… …这种现象为社交焦虑。社交焦虑是在与他人交往时体会到的恐惧、紧张和担忧。
  • The hejiazhuang primary school is a city primary school of lanzhou . the study chooses it as the case and its three pupils in grade five as the study objects . from the description of life and study of the disadvantaged students both in the class and out the class , the study shows the disadvantaged students " real life , feelings and also the bewilderment of teachers
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